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Deodorant Thread
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          Magical DeodoranTowel, Tape and Pad
"DeodoranThread" is woven into the base fabric of DeodoranTowel and Tape.

Enlarged image - DeodoranTowel

Enlarged image - DeodoranPad

Click the image to enlarge

Suitable for wigs, hats and etc.
Suitable for Gym bag, Shoes and etc.
Suitable for Gym towel and etc.
Custom-made (name-tag)
Option: Custom Embroidery
Deodorant Thread Deodorey
[Feature 1] Deodorizing Human Body Odors
The components (urea, fatty acid, keratine, etc.) of sweat and dead skin surface are oxidized or decomposed by bacteria on the skin surface, and changed to odor components. An aromatic makes unpleasant smell less noticeable, but DeodoranTowel deodorizes them by adsorbing and neutralizing odor molecules.
[Feature 2] Strong & Speedy Deodorizing Ability
Since the surface area of "DeodoranThread Premium" is large because of its fibrous structure, it has the remarkable deodorizing ability, which is stronger than 5-20 times than existing deodorizer like activated carbon, and can make sweat odors deodorized for a short time.
[Feature 3] Long-life Deodorizing Ability
The deodorizing ability is not declined by washing. On the contrary, it is recovered by washing or drying in the sun. It lasts almost indefinitely.
[Feature 4] Anti-bacterial Ability
"DeodoranThread Premium", which is woven into the base fabric, has anti-bacterial ability to prevent bacteria on the skin surface from propagating as well. Therefore, "DeodoranTowel" can increase deodorizing effects.
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